Fat Won't Make You Fat
"Not all by itself"
by Dr. L. Lee Coyne
This book came about through a sequence of events.
First was a little of my personal experience with what kinds of foods helped or hindered my own weight management and health over the years.
Second was the release of several (some would say too many) books, some old, but several in the last 6 years which caught my attention.
They all promote the common thread of "lower Carbohydrate and higher protein" food selection. The degree of carbohydrate restriction varies from very low to moderate.
The major disagreements seem to be the fat intake recommendations. The major point of agreement is that too much insulin production from too much carbohydrate consumption is the major problem with weight management and other common health related problems.
Third was the publication of some recent sports nutrition research involving insulin production after exercise and the role it plays in energy recovery and muscle building.
This little link brought the whole picture into focus for me. Consequently, I decided to share my explanation of this puzzle.
Who needs this eating plan?
If you or someone you know struggles with one or more of the following problems, Dr. Coyne's advice will help.
- Difficulty losing weight
- Hypoglycemia
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- High Triglycerides
- Diabetic
- Fluid Retention
- Inflammatory Conditions
- Low Energy
- Prostate problems
This book is about much more than weight loss. It is about health. It is a condensation of the concepts outlined in the books I referred to. It is a Book about Books.
These books are listed in the reference section if you feel you need to read more. Most of the chapters will stand alone in terms of explaining particular concepts.
So if you are not science or technical in orientation, you may skip the "Technical Stuff" section and still benefit from the explanations.
When you review the concepts presented, please do not fall into the Calorie counting "arithmetic" trap. Too many critics of this concept are "hung up" on the standard methods of assessing dietary advice and have not tried anything new.
These critics usually assess any dietary plan, which may be different from the standard, by judging it on the same arithmetic as the standard was created. This cannot be done because the calorie recommendations assume a certain macro-nutrient combination.
It is well understood that if a diet is higher in high quality protein, the food consumption will be reduced.
It should also be understood that there is no nutrient recommendation for grams of carbohydrates like there is for protein or essential fats, so do not be too quick to judge.
Table of Contents
A Paradigm Shift
Science or Science?
Historical Stuff
Technical Stuff
Insulin - Good Guy/Bad Guy
Protein is the Answer
Let's Eat
The Stuff you are not Eating
Get Physical
More Good Stuff
Testimonials for the "Better Balanced Diet"
See review in the Calgary Sun
About the Author