Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

Soy Health Benefits

Written by on | Modified 2 Nov, 2015 | Views 6754

Soybeans provide excellent nutrition and contain a number of biologically active components that collectively may be responsible for a variety of health benefits.

Soy and Your Health: An Update on the Benefits – Part One

By Mark Messina, Ph.D.
Soy foods have been a part of Asian diets for centuries. Today, there is a growing interest in these foods among Westerners because of their proposed health benefits and also because their versatility makes them valuable for replacing meat and dairy foods in the diet. Soybeans provide excellent nutrition and contain a number of biologically active components that collectively may be responsible for a variety of health benefits. However, most of the interest in soy foods is due to their isoflavone content. Isoflavones have been rigorously studied for their protective effects against several chronic diseases including osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, and certain forms of cancer.

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