Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

Anti-Inflammatory Eating

Written by Dr. L. Lee Coyne | Views 9206

Anti-inflammatory eating plan. These are a few guidelines for healthy diet.

Anti-inflammatory Diet Guidelines

The literature over the last 10 years has shown a trend of blaming CHRONIC INFLAMMATION for very wide array of non- infectious disease conditions. So, in addition to anti-inflammatory supplements like Omega 3 and Alfalfa, it seems prudent to follow an anti-inflammatory eating plan. These are a few guidelines for such a plan.

Components of an Anti-inflammatory Diet (focus on meats, fish, eggs, dairy and leafy vegetables) is really what my 40-30-30 eating plan is all about. If I were to change the contents of my book, I would probably remove any reference to whole grains and would not be afraid to add more fat.

Note: All food is unhealthy without friendly gut bacteria adapted to the food. This would include organic unflavoured yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, komboocha, kefir and of course the optiflora probiotic supplement.

  • Low starch and other simple sugars -- insulin and high blood glucose are inflammatory; so use complex polysaccharides (not starch); starch only in small portions and preferably in unprocessed, - less than 30 gm in any meal, less is healthier, grains are frequently a problem – gluten/gliadin intolerance.
  • No high fructose corn syrup -- high free fructose (in contrast to sucrose) is inflammatory and contributes to cross-linking of collagen fibers, which means prematurely aged skin; it also goes directly to the liver and may contribute to “fatty liver” and insulin resistance.
  • High ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats -- most vegetable oils (olive oil is the exception) are very high in omega-6 fats and are inflammatory and should be avoided; omega-3 fats from fish oil cannot have their full anti-inflammatory impact in the presence of vegetable oils; omega-3 supplements are needed to overcome existing inflammation -- take with saturated fats
  • No trans fats -- all are inflammatory
  • Saturated fats are healthy and reduce the peroxidation (rancidity) of omega-3 fatty acids at sites of local inflammation, e.g. fatty liver. Saturated fats should be the major source of dietary calories. They are the most natural fat available.
  • Vegetable antioxidants -- vegetables and fruits, along with coffee and chocolate supply very useful, anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants
  • Responsible daily supplements: Multivitamin/mineral (Vita-Lea), Alfalfa tabs 12+ /day (major anti-inflammatory), 1200 mg + of molecularly distilled fish oil (with 600+ mg being Omega 3),  1,000 mg vitamin C; 2,000-5,000 i.u vitamin D3 (to produce serum levels of  at least 90ng/ml); 750 mg glucosamine  and other antioxidants (Vivix Tonic – resveratrol based is very powerful).

Recommended Reading

52 Hot Nutrition Tips - Health & Nutrition 101


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Dr. L. Lee Coyne

Advanced Joint Health Complex contains a patent-pending, fast-acting form of Boswellia extract, a concentrated form of glucosamine and other key joint nutrients to help bring joint comfort and mobility. Helps your joints feel better in less than 5 days.
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12 Jul, 2017 : 8:38 PM

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Great article Dr.Lee. Any recommendations on which brand name of Glucosamine supplement to use?

12 Jul, 2017 : 1:22 PM

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