Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

Resveratrol, Wine and Chocolate

Written by Dr. L. Lee Coyne | Views 4088

Resveratrol, Red Wine And Chocolate ... Another crappy study that should not have been published and has been embellished by the media.

Resveratrol May Not Be The Elixir In Red Wine And Chocolate

A client sent me an email asking if Vivix (resveratrol) is any good after reading this article:


Am I being fed a load of crap by my nutrition consultant?

My response:

Another crappy study that should not have been published and has been embellished by the media.

I had responded to this on a couple of sites and even got an agreement acknowledgements from Dr. Eades and Dr. Sears.

First they did not measure resveratrol intake. They measured resveratrol metabolic residuals in the urine of 783 old people in Italy. They measured the same only once then followed them for 9 years.  
Second, it is well known that you can't drink enough red wine to make a difference. The strongest red wine (in resveratrol terms) is Pinot Noir at 5 mg / glass. All of the serious studies used 100mg or more of trans-resveratrol - the only form considered active. 
Third, there are other polyphenols (resveratrol is a polyphenol) in red wine but they only total 90 mg. The Vivix product contains 1200 mg of other polyphenols + the 100 mg of trans-resvertrol because Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard showed the combination was considerably more powerful (up to 10  times)  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Milne%20JC%202007
Fourth the study only looked at longevity and not the other values of resveratrol like:
  1. Protects and repairs DNA damage experienced by every cell every day.
  2. Reduces the biological (oxidative) stress response.
  3. Increases energy production at the cellular level by increasing the number of mitochondria (energy productions centres of every cell) in cells.
  4. Activates the genetic regulators and slows the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGE) proteins. Excess AGE proteins cause cellular damage and often associated with insulin resistance and diabetes.

You asked.


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