Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

Coffee with More Sugar Than Coke

Written by Dr. L. Lee Coyne | Views 2800

35 percent of the hot, flavored drinks contained the same amount or more sugar than what you’d find in a can of Coca-Cola

20 Coffee Drinks with More Sugar Than a Can of Coke

In terms of sugar, a 12-ounce can of Coke = 16 Hershey Kisses. Think that’s bad? The majority of your favorite coffee drinks are far sweeter.

What’s more comforting than a warm cup of coffee or tea? It’s what you drink first thing in the morning, is how you recharge when in a post-lunch daze and is the perfect drink for non-boozy catch-ups or meetings. It all sounds so innocent.

On a positive note, numerous studies have linked both coffee and tea to increased metabolic rate, smaller waistlines, and weight loss. But like many of the world’s great wonders, somebody looking to make a fast buck will come up with a way to mess everything up by “improving” them. Places like Starbucks and McDonald’s serve up high-concept, calorie-laden concoctions that have none of the amazing weight loss qualities that the originals have. In fact, health advocacy group Action on Sugar recently tested 131 drinks at popular chains in the UK (many of which are also popular in America) only to discover that 35 percent of the hot, flavored drinks contained the same amount or more sugar than what you’d find in a can of Coca-Cola (12 oz, 39 grams), one of the most vilified beverages on the planet. It’s a bit ironic that so many people who scoff cola don’t even give a second thought to what’s in their coffee cups.

So, how can you avoid sipping your way to a wider waistline every time you want to catch a buzz? Answer: By knowing which coffee drinks have been turned into health-busters—and staying far, far away. But we’ve made it extra easy for you by already doing your homework and identifying the worst of the lot. 

Read more: http://www.msn.com


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