Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

Does COLD-FX really do what the company claims?

Written by L. Lee Coyne | Views 11431

This one will be for my Canadian friends - regarding a commercial herbal remedy sold under the name of "Cold FX". I had said several years ago, based on their ingredients list, that it was basically an extract of Ginseng. On Jan 13th, 2012 the CBC broadcast an investigative report on "Cold FX" 23 minutes long.

Watch video: http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/2012/whatfx/

Class-action lawsuit reveals company sat on 2004 study indicating Cold-FX does nothing to fight colds  - National Post, January 31, 2016

The makers of Cold-FX have sat for years on a study that suggested Canada’s most popular cold and flu remedy was no more effective than a placebo in treating symptoms of the viruses.

The 2004 trial was conducted by Dr. Gerry Predy, a top Alberta public-health official, at a time when the supplement’s makers told consumers the product would bring fast relief from the effects of such ailments.


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