Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

Tofu and other Soy Foods Versus Uterine Cancer

Written by L. Lee Coyne | Views 3747

During a discussion on the benefits of Soy I came upon this Study.

Women whose diets are rich in tofu, soy milk, tempeh, miso, or other soy foods, are less than half as likely to develop uterine cancer compared to women who rarely eat soy products. A 1997 study conducted by Marc Goodman, M.D. of the Cancer Research Center in Hawaii, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology examined 332 cases of uterine cancer diagnosed in Hawaii between 1985 and 1993.

A compound found in the soy based products, phytoestrogens, which is a weak plant estrogen has been found to displace normal estrogens from binding to sites on the cells.

The risks were increased 68 percent for developing uterine cancer in those women who had a diet high in animal fat, and/or low in fiber. The risks were also increased in those women who used hormone replacement therapy. American Journal of Epidemiology.

Abstract Source

Editor's comment: A very good reason to use a protein supplement with all those isoflavones. Not all protein powders can guarantee that the isoflavones are present.


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