Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

World Renown Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

Written by L. Lee Coyne | Views 4533

The original research that damned cholesterol and fat ... It became a case of guilt by association.

Well written and consistent with the latest research. The original research that damned cholesterol and fat came form the era of fascination with large computers that could correlate everything with everything, It became a case of guilt by association. Correlation does not mean causation. Science ignored the physiology and biochemistry of causation.



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Axel F Sigurdsson

Dr. Lundell´s article has received huge attention and it has caught the eye of the news media. It touches on a number of important issues concerning cardiovascular disease in general. To me the article unfortunately appears a bit like it is written by a preacher or a politician who has to sell a message whatever the costs. The article lacks the professional approach of a scientist who carefully examines available scientific data before drawing conclusions.
Please visit my blog at

12 May, 2013 : 9:50 PM

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