Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

Fat vs Carbs

Written by Dr. L. Lee Coyne | Views 5494

A new report says the current government advice is making us bigger, and that the food industry is telling us what to eat.

Newsreader Jamie Owen is going on a diet that goes directly against government healthy eating advice - and common sense.

For the past 30 years we've been told the key to a healthy lifestyle is cutting out fat. However, as a nation we've got bigger - Jamie included. 

A controversial new report says the current government advice is making us bigger, and that the food industry is telling us what to eat. The report says that it isn't butter, milk and other fat that is to blame - the problem lies elsewhere.

Join Jamie as he investigates these weighty issues and makes himself a guinea pig for a diet that aims to make us rethink the way we try to control out waistline.


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Dr. L. Lee Coyne

10 Popular Sport Drinks Reviewed

This review will clarify and explain the role, the rationale and the research behind sport drinks.
It is under Articles / Sports Nutrition / Sports Drink Review


27 Jan, 2017 : 4:58 PM

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Betty Woodhouse

Hi Dr. Coyne,

Just checking out your Blog. Didn't know you had one until now. Full of Great Info. Someone on FB mentioned that at one time you posted a comparison of performance and other Sports Drinks. I would like to get it if you still have it.


26 Jan, 2017 : 7:19 AM

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