Dr. Lee, the Healthy Professor

GM Soy Linked to Illnesses in Farm Pigs

Written by L. Lee Coyne | Views 4152

A Danish farmer has gained huge public recognition for publishing his simple method for ridding his pigs of illness- removing genetically modified (GM) ingredients from their diet.

GM Soy Linked to Illnesses in Farm Pigs

A Danish farmer has gained huge public recognition for publishing his simple method for ridding his pigs of illness- removing genetically modified (GM) ingredients from their diet.

Published in the farming magazine Effektivt Landbrug on 13 April 2012 [1], the farmer Ib Borup Perderson describes how his pigs suffered from symptoms including chronic diarrhoea, birth defects, reproductive problems, reduced appetite, bloating, stomach ulcers, weaker and smaller piglets, and reduced litter sizes. This was not just a problem for the animals themselves but also the profitability of the farm, with fewer healthy animals, mounting costs of medicines and added labour costs.

After researching the health hazards of GM foods and associated herbicides, Pederson decided to stop feeding his 450 sows with GM soybean, replacing them with fishmeal and non-GM soybean instead. He began to notice health benefits after two days of a GM-free diet. The farmer’s account has since been published in an English dossier compiled by scientist Brian John of GM-free Cymru (Wales), with collaboration from Pederson, published online by GM Watch [2].

Read more:

Shaklee has had "NON GMO" soy for years -- another reason for making the choice.

Flavour-Enhanced Soy Protein – Vanilla

This low-fat, non-GMO (non-genetically modified organism), biologically complete protein contains all 20 amino acids used in human metabolism, including the nine essential ones. It's ideal for the entire family, giving you 14 grams of cholesterol-free soy protein per serving. More than a healthy snack alternative, Flavour-Enhanced Soy Protein is a delicious way to fuel your body with high-quality plant-based protein.

Read more:
Non-GMO Soy Protein


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